“The body is the physical aspect of the personality and movement is the personality made visible.”
“The body is the physical aspect of the personality and movement is the personality made visible.”
Adler, J. (2002). Offering from the Conscious Body: The Discipline of Authentic Movement. Rochester, VT: Inner Traditions International. [Available in Italian, German, Chinese, French, and Russian].
Adler, J. (1995). Arching Backward: The Mystical Initiation of a Contemporary Woman. Rochester: Inner Traditions International.
Book Chapters
Adler, J. (2007). From Seeing to Knowing. In P. Pallaro (Eds.), Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved: A Collection of Essays, Volume Two. London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
Adler, J. (2007). The Discipline of Authentic Movement as Mystical Practice. In P. Pallaro (Eds.), Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved: A Collection of Essays, Volume Two. London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
Adler, J. (2007). From Autism to the Discipline of Authentic Movement. In P. Pallaro (Eds.), Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved: A Collection of Essays, Volume Two. London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
Adler, J. (1999). Authentic Movement and Sexuality in the Therapeutic Experience. In P. Pallaro (Eds.), Authentic Movement: Essays by Mary Starks Whitehouse, Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow: Volume One. London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
Adler, J. (1999). Body and Soul. In P. Pallaro (Eds.), Authentic Movement: Essays by Mary Starks Whitehouse, Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow: Volume One. London, England: Jessica Kingsley. [Available in Spanish]
Adler, J. (1999). Integrity of Body and Psyche. In P. Pallaro (Eds.), Authentic Movement: Essays by Mary Starks Whitehouse, Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow: Volume One. London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
Adler, J. (1999). The Collective Body. In P. Pallaro (Eds.), Authentic Movement: Essays by Mary Starks Whitehouse, Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow: Volume One. London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
Adler, J. (1999). Who is the Witness? In P. Pallaro (Eds.), Authentic Movement: Essays by Mary Starks Whitehouse, Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow: Volume One. London, England: Jessica Kingsley. [Available in Finnish].
Boettinger [Adler], J. A. (1978). The study of the autistic child. In M.N. Costonis (Ed.). Therapy in motion. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.
Adler, J. (2015). The Mandorla and the Discipline of Authentic Movement. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices, 7(2). Available: http://www.disciplineofauthenticmovement.com/discipline-of-authentic-movement-mandorla.html
Adler, J. (2011). Speaking the Same Language: An Evolving Dialogue with Mary Whitehouse. Journal of Authentic Movement and Somatic Inquiry. Available: http://www.authenticmovementjournal.com/?p=173
Adler, J. (2012). Witness to Conscious Death. Natural Transitions, 3(3).
Adler, J. (2000). Listening to Questions: Voices from Europe. A Moving Journal: Ongoing Expressions of Authentic Movement, 7(3).
Geissinger, A. (1998). Toward the Unknown: An Interview with Janet Adler. A Moving Journal: Ongoing Expressions of Authentic Movement, 5(3). [Available in Spanish].
Adler, J. (1997). Questions: Teaching the Discipline. A Moving Journal: Ongoing Expressions of Authentic Movement, 4(3).
Adler, J. (1995). Authentic Movement Institute Opens: Part Two. A Moving Journal: Ongoing Expressions of Authentic Movement, 2(1).
Haze, N. & Stromsted, T. (1994). An Interview with Janet Adler. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 16(2), 81-90. doi:10.1007/BF02358568
Adler, J. (1989). In the Same Room. Contact Quarterly, 6(2).
Aginsky, Y. (Producer), & Adler, J. (Director). (1988). Still Looking [Motion picture]. Berkeley, CA: Center for Media and Independent Learning, University of California, Berkeley.
Adler, J. (Director). (1968). Looking for Me [Motion picture]. Berkeley, CA: Center for Media and Independent Learning, University of California, Berkeley.
Books & Book Chapters
Chodorow, J. (2007). Motion and Emotion. In S. Chaiklin & H. Wengrower (Ed.), Life is Dance: The Art and Science of Dance Movement Therapy. Barcelona: Gedisa. [Translations: Spanish, English, Korean; Hebrew in press; Chinese in progress.]
Chodorow, J. (2007). Inner-Directed Movement in Analysis: Early Beginnings. In P. Pallaro (Ed.), Authentic movement: Moving the body, moving the self, being moved: A collection of essays – Volume Two. London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
Chodorow, J. (2006). Active Imagination. The Handbook of Jungian Psychology: Theory, Practice and Applications (pp. 215-243). London: Routledge.
Chodorow, J. (2004). Foreword. In R. Cruz & C. Berrol. (Eds.), Dance/Movement Therapists in Action: A Working Guide to Research Options. 2nd ed. 2012. Springfield: Charles C. Thomas.
Chodorow, J. (2004). Foreword. In J. C. Miller. (Author), The Transcendent Function: Jung’s Model of Psychological Growth through Dialogue with the Unconscious. New York: SUNY Press.
Chodorow, J. (2000). Active Imagination (analytical psychology). In A. de Miolla (Ed.), Dictionary of Psychoanalysis. Paris: Calmann-Lévy Publishers. [Translation: French].
Chodorow, J. (1999). Joan Chodorow Papers. In P. Pallaro (Ed.), Authentic Movement: Essays by Mary Whitehouse, Janet Adler, and Joan Chodorow, Volume One. London: Jessica Kingsley. [Translation: Italian; Spanish in progress].
Chodorow, J. (1997). C. G. Jung on Active Imagination, edited and with an introduction by Joan Chodorow. Jung’s key essays on active imagination. London, UK: Routledge. Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press, 1997 (two editions published simultaneously).
Chodorow, J. (1991). Dance Therapy and Depth Psychology: The Moving Imagination. London, UK: Routledge. [Translations: Danish, Hebrew, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Czech, Russian; Chinese in progress].
Chodorow, J. (1988). Dance/Movement as Active Imagination: Origins, Theory, Practice. Michigan: University Microfilms.
Chodorow, J. (1986). The Body as Symbol: Dance/Movement in Analysis. In N. Schwartz- Salant & M. Stein (Ed.), The Body in Analysis (pp. 87-108). Illinois: Chiron Publications. [Translations of "The Body as Symbol: Dance/Movement in Analysis": Spanish, Korean, Polish, Russian].
Chodorow, J. (1984). Introduction. In R. Oppikofer (Author), Un Viaggio Nella Mia Terra (A Journey To My Land). Cremona: Padus. [Translation: Italian].
Chodorow, J. (1982). Dance/Movement and Body Experience in Analysis. In M. Stein (Ed.) Jungian Analysis, 2nd ed. 1995. La Salle: Open Court. Boston: Shambhala, paperback 1984.
Chodorow, J. (1978). Statement of Dance-Movement Therapy: A Position Paper. The Healing Role of the Arts. New York: Rockefeller Foundation.
Chodorow, J., & Chaiklin, S. (1978). Dance Therapist. In R. Goldenson (Ed.), Disability and Rehabilitation Handbook (pp. 745-747). New York: McGraw Hill.
Chodorow, J. (1975). Dance Therapy and Community Psychiatry. In L. Miller (Ed.), Social Change and Social Psychiatry. Jerusalem: Academic Press.
Chodorow, J. (2015). Work in progress – Authentic Movement: Danced and moving active imagination. Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, 7(2), 257-272.
Chodorow, J. (2013). The Living, Moving Body in Analysis: Origins, Innovations and Controversies (1913-2013). Proceedings from IAAP Copenhagen: The 17th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Switzerland: Daimon-Verlag.
Chodorow, J. (2010). Multiplicity in the Living, Moving Body: Psyche, Nature, Culture. Proceedings from IAAP Montreal: The 17th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Switzerland: Daimon-Verlag.
Chodorow, J. (2009). Introduction to the Marian Chace Lecture by Sharon Chaiklin and Joan Chodorow. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 31(1), 3-19.
Chodorow, J. (2007). Experiential, Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives. Proceedings from IAAP Cape Town: The 17th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Switzerland: Daimon-Verlag.
Chodorow, J. (2005). Multi-Sensory Imagination. Spring: A Journal of Archetype and Culture, 72, 159-165.
Chodorow, J. (2003). The Moving Imagination. Proceedings from IAAP Barcelona: The 16th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Switzerland: Daimon-Verlag.
Chodorow, J. (2001). Experiential, Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives. Proceedings from IAAP Cambridge: The 15th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Switzerland: Daimon-Verlag.
Chodorow, J. (2000). The Marion Chace Memorial Lecture: The Moving Imagination. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 2(1), 5-27.
Chodorow, J., Govine, B., & Verebes, T. (1999). Honoring and Remembering Trudi Schoop. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 21(2), 113-116.
Chodorow, J., & Stewart, L. H. (1999). Kay Bradway and Barbara McCoard, Sandplay – Silent Workshop of the Psyche. The San Francisco Institute Library Journal, 18(3), 41-49.
Chodorow, J. (1999). At the Threshold: A Journey to the Sacred Through the Integration of Jungian Psychology and the Expressive Arts, with Carolyn Grant Fay. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 21(1), 49-52.
Chodorow, J. (1995). Body, Psyche, and the Emotions. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 17(2). [Translation: German].
Chodorow, J. (1993). The Moving Imagination. Transformation: The Magazine of the C. G. Jung Institute of Chicago, 23(3).
Chodorow, J. (1992). Sophia’s Dance. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 14(2), 111-123. [Translation: Dutch].
Chodorow, J. (1984). To Move and Be Moved. Quadrant Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology, 17(2), 39-48.
Chodorow, J., Chaiklin, S., & Kalish, B. (1978). A Position Paper. In The 11th Conference Proceedings of the American Dance Therapy Association. Columbia: ADTA.
Chodorow, J. (1978). Dance Therapy and the Transcendent Function. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 2(1), 16-23.
Chodorow, J. (1975-1976). President’s Corner (series). ADTA Newsletter. Columbia: ADTA.
Chodorow, J. (1975). Nonverbal Psychotherapy – Dance. Proceedings from ADTA: The Ninth Annual Conference of the American Dance Therapy Association. Columbia: ADTA.
Chodorow, J. (1974). Dance-Movement Therapy. Current Psychiatric Therapies, 14, 115-121. New York: Grune and Straton.
Chodorow, J. (1974). A Movement Workshop. Proceedings from ADTA: California Regional Conference of the American Dance Therapy Association. Columbia: ADTA
Chodorow, J. (1974). Philosophy and Methods of Individual Work in Dance Therapy. In K. Mason (Ed.), Focus on Dance Therapy: Special Issue of the AAHPER Journal. Washington, D.C.: AAHPER.
Perlmutter, Ruth. (1974, author). Dance Me A Cloud. In Children's House: A magazine devoted to the child and his education at home and in school. Evocative photos and beautifully written description of dance groups with elementary school children led by Joan Chodorow Smallwood, Isla Vista School, University of California at Santa Barbara. Winter Holidays issue, pp. 15-19.
Chodorow, J. and B. Govine (Eds.) (1973). What is Dance Therapy, Really. 7th Annual Conference Proceedings of the American Dance Therapy Association. Columbia: ADTA.
Chodorow, J. (1972). Dance Therapy: A Theoretical Framework. ADTA Newsletter.
Chodorow, J. et al (Eds.) (1972). The First California Regional Meeting Proceedings. Columbia: ADTA.
Chodorow, J. (1972). Dance Therapy Composite. Proceedings from ADTA: 6th Annual Conference Proceedings of the American Dance Therapy Association. Colombia: ADTA.
Chodorow, J. (1972). Individual Dance Therapy in a Community Psychiatric Setting. British Journal of Social Psychiatry and Community Health, 6(1).
Chodorow, J. (1971). The Alexander Technique. ADTA Newsletter.
Chodorow, J. (1971). Philosophy and Practice. ADTA Newsletter.
Chodorow, J. (1970). Creative Dance for Children. Santa Barbara: University of California Extension.
Chodorow, J. (1966). One Aspect of Concept Introduction. Los Angeles: Project HEADSTART.
Chodorow, J. (1962). Dance in the Nursery School Program. Los Angeles: Nursery School Teacher’s Union.
Adorisio, A. & Chodorow, J. et al. (2010). Mysterium: A Poetic Prayer, Testimonials on Body/Sprit Coniunctio [Motion picture]. [Italian and English with subtitles].
Chodorow, J. (2000). Brecha DMT Training Program [Video]. Buenos Aires, Argentina [Spanish and English].
Chodorow, J. (1993). Body, Psyche and the Emotions: The Moving Imagination [Video]. USA: Online Video Productions.
Chodorow, J. (1992). Sophia’s Dance [Video]. USA: American Dance Therapy Association.
Chodorow, J., et al. (1992). Panel: How Does Movement Heal? [Video]. USA: American Dance Therapy Association
Chodorow, J. (1982). Dance Therapy: The Power of Movement [Motion picture]. USA: American Dance Therapy Association.
Chodorow, J. (1978). Dance Therapy [Video]. USA: Title XX, Mental Health Workers.
Chodorow, J. (1973). The Intelligent Parent [Video]. USA: KCOP-TV.
Chodorow, J. (1972). Authentic Response [Video]. USA: Santa Barbara Psychiatric Medical Group.
Chodorow, J. (1971). Movement Psychotherapy [Video]. USA: Santa Barbara Psychiatric Medical Group.
Chodorow, J. (1968). Creative Dance [Video]. USA: University of California, Santa Barbara.
Chodorow, J. (1965). Pre-school Dance [Video]. USA: California State College at Northridge.
Haze, N. (1980). Dance/Movement Activities: K-Junior High. Pleasant Hill, CA: Fine Arts Curriculum.
Haze, N., & Stromsted, T. (2007). The Road In: Elements of the Study and Practice of Authentic Movement. In P. Pallaro (Ed.), Authentic movement: Moving the body, moving the self, being moved: A collection of essays – Volume Two (pp. 202-220). London, England: Jessica Kingsley.
Haze, N. (1996). The Heart of the Conference ÷ The Heart of the Work. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 20(2).
Haze, N. (1995). Authentic Movement Institute Opens. Spring, 2(1). Haze, N., & Stromsted, T. (1994). An Interview with Janet Adler. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 16(2), 81-90.
Haze, N. (1994). Authentic Movement: Origins, Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the First International Clinical Conference in Berlin on Dance/Movement Therapy (pp. 102-105). Spandau, Germany: Nervenklinik.
Haze, N. (1988). Developmental Patterns: Utilized in the Training of Dance/Movement Therapist [Motion picture].
Haze, N. (1986). Roots of Movement Re-developing [Motion picture].
Haze, N. (1977). Anna: A case study of developmentally delayed child [Motion picture].
(featured in)
Dibbell-Hope, S. (1992). Moving Toward Health: A Study of Dance/Movement Therapy to Effect the Psychological Adaptation to Breast Cancer [Motion picture]. United States: American Cancer Foundation and the American Dance Therapy Association.
Available from Sandy Dibbell-Hope, 258 Paraiso Drive, Danville, CA 94526-4947; sandydh@sonic.net
Zinn, C., & Geer, D. (1990). Fired Up or Burnt Out: Making Dance/Movement Therapy a Viable Career.
Clausen House. (1981). The Hidden Struggle [Motion picture].
State of CA Residential Task Force. (1974). Feel the Air [Motion picture].
Books & Book Chapters
Stromsted, T. (in press). Witnessing Practice: In the Eyes of the Beholder. The Routledge International Handbook: Embodied Perspectives in Psychotherapy: Approaches from Dance Movement and Body Psychotherapies. London, UK: Routledge.
Stromsted, T. & Seiff, D. (2015). Dances of psyche and soma: Re-Inhabiting the body in the wake of emotional trauma. In D. F. Sieff (Ed.), Understanding and healing emotional trauma: Conversations with pioneering clinicians and researchers. London, UK: Routledge.
Stromsted, T. (2014). The alchemy of Authentic Movement: Awakening spirit in the body. In Williamson, A., Whately, S., Batson, G., & Weber R. (Ed.), Dance, somatics and spiritualities: Contemporary sacred narratives, leading edge voices in the field: sensory experiences of the divine (pp. 35-60). Bristol, United Kingdom: Intellect Books.
Stromsted, T. (2007). Embodied imagination: Form grows from emptiness. In P. Ashton (Ed.), Evocations of Absence: Interdisciplinary Encounters with Void States. New Orleans, LA: Spring Journal Books.
Stromsted, T. (2007). The Dancing Body in Psychotherapy: Reflections on Somatic Psychotherapy and Authentic Movement. In P. Pallaro (Ed.), Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved: A Collection of Essays, Volume II (pp. 202-220). Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Stromsted, T. & Haze, N. (2007). The road in: Elements of the study and practice of authentic movement. In P. Pallaro (Ed.), Authentic Movement: Moving the body, moving the self, being moved: A collection of essays, Volume II (pp. 56-58). Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Stromsted, T. (2007). The discipline of Authentic Movement as mystical practice: Evolving moments in Janet Alder’s life and work. In P. Pallaro (Ed.), Authentic Movement: Moving the Body, Moving the Self, Being Moved: A Collection of Essays, Volume II (pp. 244-259). Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Stromsted, T. (2005). Cellular resonance and the sacred feminine: Marion Woodman’s story. In N. Cater (Ed.), Spring: A Journal of Archetype & Culture, Body & Soul: Honoring Marion Woodman, (72), 1-30.
Stromsted, T. (1998). The dance and the body in psychotherapy: Reflections and clinical examples. In D. H. Johnson & I. J. Grand (Eds.), The Body in Psychotherapy (pp. 147-169). Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Press.
Stromsted, T. (2015). Authentic Movement & The Evolution of Soul’s Body® Work. Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices: Authentic Movement: Defining the Field, Intellect, 7(2).
Stromsted, T. (2015). You Are a Spark from My Shining: A conversation with Penelope Etnier Dinsmore. Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche, 9(3), 79-94. London, UK: Routledge.
Fleischer, K. (Interviewer), & Stromsted, T. (Interviewee). (2001). Body to word: An interview with Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., ADTR [Interview transcript]. Available online at: http://www.movimientoautentico.com.ar/la-imaginacion-a-traves-del-movimiento/
Stromsted, T. (2014). Embodied alchemy: Awakening spirit in the body. In L. Cowan (Ed.), One hundred years on: Origins, innovations and controversies. Proceedings from IAAP Copenhagen 2014: the 19th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (2013). Margaret Wilkinson: Mind-brain-body Perspectives on Psychotherapy. Viewpoint: News & Views of The Psychotherapy Institute.
Stromsted, T. & Homann, K. (2011). Dancing Body, Brain, & Soul: The Dance of Three. In Collaborations: Different Identities, Mutual Path. Proceedings from ADTA 2011: the 47th American Dance Therapy Association Annual Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
Stromsted, T. (2010). Dreamdancing. In P. Bennett (Ed.), Facing Multiplicity – Psyche, Nature, Culture. Proceedings from IAAP Montreal 2010: the 18th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (2009), Healing Soul’s Body: An Introduction to Authentic Movement. In P. Bennett (Ed.), Journeys & Encounters: Clinical, Communal, Cultural. Proceedings from IAAP Capetown 2009: the 17th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (2009). Embodied Imagination: Form Grows from Emptiness. In P. Bennett (Ed.), Journeys & Encounters: Clinical, Communal, Cultural. Proceedings from IAAP Capetown 2009: the 17th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (2009). Authentic Movement: A dance with the divine. Body Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Journal, 4(3), 201-213.
Stromsted, T. (2008). Authentic Movement: The Dancing Body in Psychotherapy. San Francisco Medicine: Journal of the San Francisco Medical Society, 81(5).
Stromsted, T. (2006). Re-Inhabiting the body: Authentic Movement as a pathway to transformation. Caduceus: Healing for People, Community and Planet, (70), 11-15. Available from: http://www.caduceus.info
Stromsted, T. (2004). Dreamdancing: Re-Inhabiting your body through Authentic Movement. In L. Cowan (Ed.), Edges of Experience: Memory and Emergence. Proceedings from IAAP Barcelona 2004: the 16th International Congress for Analytical Psychology. Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon Verlag.
Stromsted, T. (2004). Descent’ as a pathway to individuation. Rowe Conference Center Newsletter. Rowe, Massachusetts.
Stromsted, T. (2003). Authentic movement as mystical practice: Janet Alder’s story. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences, 14(1), 4-13.
Stromsted, T. (2002). Dancing body, earth body: Andrea Olsen’s story. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences, 13(4), 10-21.
Stromsted, T. & Haze, N. (2002). Moving Psyche & Soma: Theoretical Foundations of the Authentic Movement Institute. Contact Quarterly, 27(2), 55-57.
Stromsted, T. (2002). Dancing literature: Authentic Movement and re-inhabiting the female body. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences, 13(2), 20-39.
Stromsted, T. (2001). Re-inhabiting the female body: Authentic Movement as a gateway to transformation. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 28(1), 39-55.
Stromsted, T. (2001). Cellular resonance and the sacred feminine: Marion Woodman’s story. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences, 13(1), 4-11, 51-54.
Stromsted, T. (1998). Re-Inhabiting the female body. A Moving Journal, 5(1), 3-7, 10-11.
Stromsted, T. (1995). Re-Inhabiting the female body. Somatics: Journal of the Bodily Arts & Sciences, 10(1), 18-27.
Stromsted, T., Haze, N., Adler, J., & Chodorow, J. (1994). Authentic Movement Institute opens. A Moving Journal, 1(3), 3-7.
Stromsted, T. & Haze, N. (1994). An interview with Janet Adler. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 16(2), 81-90.
Stromsted, T. (1992). Body Poetry: Listening for the Child’s Voice. Proceedings from JFKU: Movement Symposium. Orinda, CA.
Stromsted, T. (1991). Bright Dreams in a Dark Bowl: Bringing Out the Light in the Body. In Shadow & Light: Moving Toward Wholeness. Proceedings from ADTA San Francisco 1991: the 26th Annual Conference of the American Dance Therapy Association. San Francisco, CA.
Stromsted, T. (1989). Dreamdancing as a Healing Art. In Moving into a New Decade: Dance/Movement Therapy in the ’90’s. Proceedings from ADTA 1989 Toronto: the 24th Annual Conference/2nd. International Conference of the American Dance Therapy Association. Toronto, Canada.
Audio Recordings
USABP. (2015, February 26) Souls’ Body: Healing the Body/Psyche/Soul Split through Conscious Embodiment. Available online for USABP members.
Quest4Wholeness. (2013, April 29). Re-inhabiting the Body: Authentic Movement as a pathway to transformation.
USABP, & EABP. (2012, November). Tina Stromsted - Authentic Movement and Jungian Analysis. Somatic Perspectives on Psychotherapy.
Pacifica Graduate Institute. (2014, May 19th). Tina Stromsted, Ph.D. on ‘Marion Woodman & the Embodied Soul’. Imagination & Medicine IV: Soul in Body and Nature. www.conferencerecording.com
Stromsted, T. (1993). Re-Inhabiting the Female Body [Lecture]. California Institute of Integral Studies Public Programs.
(Featured in)
Adorisio, A. (2010). Mysterium: A Poetic Prayer- Testimonials on Body/Spirit Coniunctio. United States: Spring Journal.
Dibbell-Hope, S. (1992). “Moving Toward Health: A Study of Dance/Movement Therapy to Effect the Psychological Adaptation to Breast Cancer.” University of California Center for Media and Independent Learning.
Stromsted, T., Johnson, D., Chodorow, J., Adler, J., & Cohen, B. B. (1991). How Does Movement Heal? [Panel discussion] American Dance Therapy Association National Conference.
Stromsted, T., Joan Chodorow, Donald Kalsched, Allan Schore, & Marion Woodman (1995). Soul’s Body: Archetypal Defenses, Affect Regulation and Healing from Trauma. [Panel discussion] C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco.
Goodstone, E. (Producer). (2016, August 20). Soul’s Body: A Journey of Healing through Conscious Movement Practices. Love me, touch me, heal me Somatics Summit.
Wagner, J. (Host). (2001, November 3). Body-Oriented Psychotherapy & Authentic Movement [Television broadcast]. In Crescendo. Educational Television.
Alford, D. (Host). (1993, January 8). Body Poetry. In, Reality, Mind, & Language. Public Access Cable Television.
American Art Therapy Association, Inc.
4875 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 240
Alexandria, VA 22304
Tel. 888-290-0878
Email: arttherapy@ntr.net
Website: www.arttherapy.org
American Dance Therapy Association, Inc.
(Contact for inquiries re dance therapy alternate route registry, the ADTA Journal, Videos/Films on Authentic Movement & Dance/Movement Therapy)
10632 Little Patuxent Parkway, Suite 108
Columbia, MD 21044
Tel. (410) 997-4040
Fax: (410) 997-4048
Email: info@ADTA.org
Website: http://www.ADTA.org
American Music Therapy Association
Email: info@musictherapy.org
Website: www.musictherapy.org
The Arts in Psychotherapy Journal
Website: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/the-arts-in-psychotherapy/
Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy UK (ADMP UK)
Website: http://admp.org.uk/
Authentic Movement Community Website
Blog: http://authenticmovementcommunity.blogspot.com/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/48153313102/
Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy: An International Journal for Theory, Research and Practice
Published by Taylor & Francis
Website: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/17432979.asp
Body Tales
Website: http://www.bodytales.com/
California Coalition on Somatic Practices
Website: http://ccsp.somatic.com/
California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS)
Somatics, Expressive Arts, Drama Therapy, & Women’s Spirituality Graduate Programs
1453 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Tel. (415) 575-6100
Website: http://www.ciis.edu
Center for Kinesthetic Education
Movement Arts Education Services for Children & Adults
Website: http://www.wellnesscke.net/
Center for Movement Education and Research
Alternate Route Training Courses in Dance Movement Therapy
Website: http://www.movement-education.org
C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco
Public & Professional Programs
2040 Gough Street, San Francisco, CA 94109-3418
Tel. (415) 771-8055 x208
Website: http://www.sfjung.org
Discipline of Authentic Movement – Circles of Four
European Association of Body Psychotherapy
Website: http://www.eabp.org
European Association of Dance Movement Therapy:
Website: http://www.eadmt.com/
International Association for Analytical Psychology
(A resource for Jungian Depth Psychology, the Journal, newsletter, conference information, and international analyst members)
Website: http://www.iaap.org/
International Expressive Arts Therapy Association
P.O. Box 320399, San Francisco, CA 94132
Tel. (415) 522-8959
Website: http://www.ieata.org
International Somatice Movement Education & Therapy Association
Website: http://www.ismeta.org/
John F. Kennedy University
(Programs in Somatics, Counseling Psych, Holistic Health, Dreams & Arts & Consciousness, includes campuses at other sites as well)
100 Ellinwood Way
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-4817 USA
Tel. (800) 696-5358 or
(925) 969-3300
Website: http://www.jfku.edu
The Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche
(A beautiful journal, publishing original, in-depth explorations of culture ~ myth, literature, music, visual arts, history, religion, and cultural conflict in context.)
Website: http://www.sfjung.org/jung-journal-culture-psyche/
The Marion Woodman Foundation
Website: www.mwoodmanfoundation.org
Middendorf Institute for Breathexperience
email: mibe@breathexperience.com
Website: http://breathexperience.com/
Pacifica Graduate Institute:
MA/Ph.D. Program in Depth Psychology with Specialization in Somatics Studies.
Santa Barbara, CA
Website: http://www.pacifica.edu/degree-programs/ma-phd-somatic-studies
Rhiannon Music
(Creative, revitalizing and healing Vocal work & Singing, in the spirit of Authentic Movement & BodySoul Rhythms practices)
Website: http://www.rhiannonmusic.com
Sandplay Therapists of America
Website: http://www.sandplay.org/
Somatics: Magazine-Journal of the Mind/Body Arts and Sciences
1516 Grant Ave., Suite # 212
Novato, CA. 94945
Tel. (415) 892-0617
Fax: (415) 892-4388
Website: http://www.somaticsed.com
Soul’s Body Center
Website: www.AuthenticMovement-BodySoul.com
Spring Journal
(The oldest Jungian psychology journal in the world. Published twice a year, each issue is organized around a theme and offers articles as well as film and book reviews in the areas of archetypal psychology, mythology, contemporary issues, and Jungian psychology.)
Website: http://www.springjournalandbooks.com
United States Association for Body Psychotherapy
PMB 294, 7831 Woodmont Avenue
Bethesda, MD 20814
Website: http://www.usabp.org