“The transformative power of this work is profoundly connected to the creative source of therapy, artistry, and our humanity.”

Co-Founders & Founding senior faculty
Neala Haze, MA, MA, BC-DMT
Co-founder and Director of the Authentic Movement Institute, Neala Haze passed away of cancer in June, 2004. A gifted teacher and remarkable soul, she will be missed by all who knew her.
Neala held Masters Degrees in Dance and Counseling Psychology. She studied Authentic Movement with Mary Whitehouse and later trained with Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow. A movement therapist for three decades, she integrated Eastern thought, humanistic psychology, body-based and creative arts therapy approaches into her teaching and private practice.
As the former Co-coordinator and Internship Supervisor of the Graduate Program in Dance Movement Therapy at CSU Hayward, she produced two teaching videos based on Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen's developmental theory. She was also Adjunct Faculty in the Expressive Arts Therapy Program at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and had a private practice in Somatic Therapy.
Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., LMFT, LPCC, BC-DMT, RSME/
Co-founder and core faculty of the Authentic Movement Institute, is a Jungian Analyst, licensed psychotherapist, Somatics Educator, and Board-Certified Dance/Movement therapist (BC-DMT) in private practice in San Francisco. With over four decades of clinical experience in hospitals, community mental health clinics, and private practice, she teaches at universities and healing centers internationally.
Currently she teaches at the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, the Depth Psychology/Somatics Doctoral program at Pacifica Graduate Institute, and as a core faculty member for the Marion Woodman Foundation. Developer of Dreamdancing, Embodied Alchemy, and Soul’s Body Center her depth-oriented work engages dreams, movement and other creative therapeutic modalities that facilitate healing, development, and living a soulful life. With a background in dance and theater, she has a special interest in the creative process, neuroscience, ecopsychology, attachment theory, and embodied spirituality. Her numerous articles and book chapters explore the integration of body, psyche and soul in clinical work.
Phone: (415) 668-7857
Email: Tina@AuthenticMovement-BodySoul.com
Website: www.AuthenticMovement-BodySoul.com

“What we have forgotten and need to relearn is how to surrender to this descent process, trusting that something rich and good can come from it.”
senior Faculty
Neala Haze, MA, MA, BC-DMT
Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., LMFT, LPCC, BC-DMT, RSME/T
Joan Chodorow, Ph.D., LMFT, BC-DMT
Joan is a semi-retired dance/movement therapist and Jungian psychoanalyst. Early studies with Trudi Schoop, Mary Whitehouse and others led to continuing studies of the emotions; their forms of expression and transformation; and the multi-sensory nature of imagination.
One of the past presidents of ADTA, Joan presented the 1999 Chace Lecture; and received the 2009 Lifetime Achievement Award. Publications include Dance Therapy and Depth Psychology (1991), Jung on Active Imagination (editor, 1997), Authentic Movement: Essays by Mary Starks Whitehouse, Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow (2000); her soon to be published book is Active Imagination: Healing from Within.
In addition to papers, chapters and books in English, translations in other languages include Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Russian and Spanish; she lectures and teaches internationally.
Janet Adler, Pd.D., BC-DMT
Janet Adler holds a PhD in Mysticism (1992). She has explored authentic movement in the presence of a witness since 1970, discovering an inherent order within mover consciousness, witness consciousness, and the relationship between the two. The thread of connection between and among these phenomena, the inner witness, has become the core of the continuous focus of her teaching the mystical practice called the Discipline of Authentic Movement.
She founded and directed The Mary Starks Whitehouse Institute in 1981, the first school devoted to the study and practice of Authentic Movement, was faculty at the Authentic Movement Institute in Berkeley from 1993 to 2003 and in 2013, she founded Circles of Four, an international post-graduate program for those who wish to teach the Discipline of AuthenticMovement: disciplineofauthenticmovement.com

“I don’t know how to embody my relationship to the Divine, outside of my relationship to you.”
Core Faculty
Linda Aaron-Cort, M.A, BC-DMT
Linda has studied, practiced, and taught Authentic Movement for many years. She studied extensively with Janet Adler and Joan Chodorow PhD., and Authentic Movement is an integral to her work as a dance/movement therapist and educator. Linda is currently on the faculty of the Center for Movement Education and Research in California and South Korea, and the Inspirees Institute of Creative Arts Therapy in Beijing, China.
Lysa Castro, BA
Lysa is a graduate and former faculty member (2003-2004) of the Authentic Movement Institute, and a certified Body Tales facilitator who has been deeply immersed in both somatic practices for over 20 years. She brings a finely tuned ability to create warmth, safety and sacredness into her Authentic Movement and Body Tales groups, individual sessions and weekend retreats in Northern California (based in Berkeley and Sebastopol).
Phone: (707) 823-2652
Email: lysa@bodytales.com
Louis Stewart, Ph.D., ABPP
Louis Stewart was a founding member and former president of the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, Professor Emeritus of Psychology at San Francisco State University and Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology, University of California, in private practice (Berkeley and San Francisco). Publications include "Sandplay and Jungian Analysis;" "Affect and Archetype: Foundations of the Psyche;" "Foreword" to new edition of Neumann's The Child; Changemakers: A Jungian Perspective on Sibling Position and the Family Atmosphere.

“The symbols of the self arise in the depths of the body and they express its materiality every bit as much as the structure of the perceiving consciousness. The symbols is thus a living body.”
Visiting Faculty
Sandy Dibbell-Hope, BC-DMT, Ph.D.
Sandy is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and a Board Certified Dance Movement Therapist who has been in practice in the San Francisco Bay Area since 1986. In her clinical work with individual adults and couples, Sandy integrates verbal and expressive arts therapy to help people deal with depression and anxiety, grief and loss, trauma and abuse and communication and relationship issues. Her goal is to help people find a sense of ease, balance, satisfaction, well-being and mindfulness in their personal and professional lives. Her work is informed by thirty years of meditation and practice in the Diamond Heart School of Spiritual Unfoldment.
Phone: (925) 824-2600
Email: sandydh@sonic.net
Website: www.SandyDibbellHopePhD.com
Kate Donohue, Ph.D., REAT
Kate, is a licensed Ph.D. psychologist and a registered expressive arts therapist (REAT) in private practice, an author, international teacher/trainer, marrying Jungian psychology and expressive arts therapy, and cofounder of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association. Her work stems from a deep abiding passion for the arts. Propelled by these passions, she created a seminar in Ghana and India, called Expressive Arts Cultural Journeys which explores the indigenous cultural roots of expressive art.
Phone: (415) 695-1464
Email: kate@kate-donohue.com
Websites: www.kate-donohue.com; www.exaculturaljourneys.com
Facebook: Kate Donohue and Expressive Arts Cultural Journeys
Carrie Green-Zinn, MA, ADTR, LEP
Carrie is a Licensed Educational Psychologist in the Bay Area. Her first Master’s degree was in Dance/Movement Therapy. Carrie worked in psychiatric hospitals for 25 years and co-directed a non-profit dedicated to eating disorder prevention. Carrie was president of the Dance Therapy Association chapter, trained interns, and was a guest faculty member at The Authentic Movement Institute. Carrie later acquired a Master’s degree in School Psychology and has worked in Special Education since.
Email: carriegreenzinn@gmail.com
Kate Jobe, MA, RSMT/E, Dipl. P.O. Psych
Kate currently lives in Winterthur, Switzerland, where she has a private practice in coaching and counselling. Her speciality is in bringing movement and body experience into psychotherapy. She is an international senior trainier in Arny Mindell's Process Work and is on the faculty in programs in Portland, Oregon, Switzerland, Poland and Russia. She is adjunct faculty in Barcelona Spain. Kate enjoys blending Somatic Processwork with personal growth by helping people create performances from the most difficult challenges in their life. She is founding a training in Somatic Processwork.
Website: www.KateJobe.com
Nisha Zenoff, Ph.D., LMFT, BC-DMT
Nisha, Ph.D in Transpersonal psychology, is a licensed California Marriage and Family Therapist, a, ADTA certified Process-oriented psychologist, and author of "The Unspeakable Loss: How Do You Live After A Child Dies?" (Da Capo/Perseus publisher, available November 2017).
Phone: (415) 465-3504
Website: www.TheUnspeakableLoss.com
Magareta Neuberger, MA
Margareta, M.A. Somatic Psychology, is a teacher and long-time practitioner of Authentic Movement and a somatic educator who has explored the interconnectedness of healing, spirituality and creativity for more than 30 years. A native of Germany, she moved to San Francisco after completing a B.A. in Theology. She has worked in private practice since 1989, offering Authentic Movement to individuals and groups as an embodied and healing discipline. Margareta currently teaches in San Francisco and Marin.
Phone: (415) 497-9912
Email: margaretaneuberger@gmail.com
Website: www.MargaretaNeuberger.com
Andrea Olsen, MFT
Andrea, performer/writer/educator, is Professor of Dance and has held the John Elder Professorship in Environmental Studies at Middlebury College in Vermont. She authored of a triad of books: The Place of Dance, Body and Earth, and Bodystories with Caryn McHose, plus seven web-based films with Scotty Hardwig (http://body-earth.org). Andrea performs and teaches internationally, and is currently teaching at the Monterey, CA campus of Middlebury College, bringing embodiment practices into graduate courses on communication
Email: olsen@middlebury.edu
Website: www.andrea-olsen.com
Sox Sperry, MA
Sox Sperry was first introduced to authentic movement as a student of Janet Adler’s at Hampshire College in 1971. The discipline has helped anchor his work as a nonviolence educator ever since.
With his partner, Lisa Tsetse, Sox developed the form of the community long circle as a means to practice authentic movement as nonviolent community action. The second community long circle was held in Berkeley, CA through the Authentic Movement Institute in May, 1998.
Lisa Tsetse, MA
Lisa studies, practices and teaches the Discipline of Authentic Movement as a faculty member of Circles of Four. Since 1997, she has shared in the development of the Community Long Circle with her life partner, Sox Sperry, providing individuals a way to practice Authentic Movement in service to promoting social justice and nonviolence. Lisa maintains a private practice and co-facilitates monthly circles with Diana Levy in her home of Ithaca, NY. She is also a Certified Feldenkrais practitioner and a Iyengar Yoga teacher.
Phone: (607) 339-6761
Email: ltsetse@twcny.rr.com
Website: www.LisaTsetse.com
Ruth Zaporah, MA
Ruth is a master and pioneer of an internationally received practice of improvisation physical theater. Ruth teaches, performs, and writes about what she calls Action Theater. She has twice received NEA choreography grants as well as numerous other tributes and honors. She takes her work to most continents. Recently she was named a Cultural Envoy by the U.S. State Department. Her home is in Santa Fe New, Mexico.
Email: zap@actiontheater.com
Website: www.actiontheater.com

“Movement, to be experienced has to be found in the body, not put on like a dress or coat. There is that in us which has moved from the very beginning; it is that which can liberate us.”
Founding Advisors
Janet Adler, Ph.D., BC-DMT
Phil Buller, MA
Philip Buller is an artist who’s work reflects his respect and admiration for the Renaissance and Baroque masters while including references to photography, printmaking and other more contemporary processes. He lives on Galiano Island in British Columbia with his wife, Janet Adler, the noted teacher of the Discipline of Authentic Movement. Buller is represented in public and private collections in Canada, and the US. www.philipbuller.com
Joan Chodorow, Ph.D., BC-DMT
Ann Conlin, MA
Neala Haze, MA, BC-DMT, REAT
Alan Leveton, MD
Dr. Alan Leveton was a psychiatrist in San Rafael, California. With a medical degree from UCSF School of Medicine, Alan practiced psychiatry from 1962 - 2017, focusing on systems oriented psychodynamic psychotherapy for individuals, couples and families. He also provided consultation to other practicing psychotherapists and offered workshops on Conjoint Family Therapy and Hypnotism. He was an Associate Clinical Professor at UCSF, where he taught medical students and Pediatric Residents to conduct Family Therapy, and helped establish Behavioral Pediatics as a sub-specialty.
Claire Liversedge, MA
Louis Stewart, Ph.D., ABPP
Tina Stromsted, Ph.D., LMFT, LPCC, BC-DMT, RSME/T
Bill Weintraub, MS
Bill had a Master’s degree in Biomechanics from Antioch University. He practiced and taught structural/osteopathic therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area for twenty-nine years. He was a Registered Movement Therapist. His extensive training in osteopathic and related methods includes Practitioner Certifications in Counterstrain technique, Body-Mind Centering, and acupressure therapy. He is the author of Tendon and Ligament Healing: A New Approach Through Manual Therapy.